What is with this freekin weather? I’ve never seen the seasons turn so damn fast! There was no warning, just one night of drizzle and then “FOOM HAVE SOME WINTER.”

Trees are still bearing flowers; now bruised and withered by frost as the leaves start to turn. Also, ugg-boot sales have reached an all time high – that’s what John’s wearing on his feets, FYI.

I decided on a costume change to reflect these chillier winter months. I got a bit bored with Phil and John always wearing t-shirts. Hope you like the change!

On serious-er topics, the banner beside the strip is now up for grabs. If your wanting to increase your sites traffic, Zero Effort has MASSES of regular readers numbering well into the double-digits. You can advertise through these nice people. Or you can email me and we can work something out.

cjcrowleypwnsj00 (at) gmail (dawt) com

cj (at) zero-effort (dawt) com
