Its a big one! I apologise for the long load time… if you have dial-up.

Should I apologise for having such a large gap between updates? Hell no! That implies the comic keep some kinda schedule, which it don’t. Having trouble describing how much fun I had making this strip! It be fun! In a geeky kinda way…

It pretty much speaks for itself too. No point me ranting onwards about it. Rant about something else? Naww…

From here on out until March I’m on uni holidays, but dont expect an increase in strips; the aim is to work on things which, you know, pay. Money. Not this monopoly crap I’ve been living off for the last year. It gets old, ya know?

(uni = unversity = college, for any american audience members…)

Speaking of other funny comics (err.. oops) you should definitely check out SinFest. It’s one of those ones you stumble across, read for a bit, then keep on reading, occasionally getting up to perform necessary bodily functions and then go back to reading.

The creator, Tatsuya Ishida, is entirely awesome.

Its late (read: early) and I have my final exam tomorrow. Fu$k!
