Respec’ #2
Welcome back to Zero Effort! I’d like to shout every reader a cold one for being so damn awesome, but that’s expensive. Rest assured that I think about you before I go to sleep at night… not in a creepy way though.
I’m being nice cause I’ve realised something. That the only reason you’re looking at this comic and reading this line, handsome person that you are, is because you want to. It’s worth your time and that means a lot to me. So I’m making a vow NOW to up my game and get serious about this.
Speaking of game, yet again there’s a site I must pimp that causes hilarity and awe. Zap! Get clickin!
The main reason I’m whoring out to this site is NOT the large sacks of cash sitting under my chair. It because of how awesome the comic art has become. Have a look at the archived older strips. Compare them to the newer ones. They are excitingly well made!
By the way: the money is for… uh, charity. Yeah. Cause here at Zero Effort we’re all about the giving.
Link points to file…
Argh. Just one of them problems that crops up after restoring the site from a hand-crafted, html-based, “Oh gods I hope I know what I’m doing” back up file.