Note To Self #2
First up, a big thanks to Lanky for fixing the previous comic. Apparently some random guy (no one we know, move along) was a bit loaded on coffee and loaded the strip at its full 2600px of comic goodness!
Speaking of which, this latest strip was almost unwholesomely fun to make. Not sure why. The image of gym-junkies-as-horseshoes-with-matchstick-legs makes me grin.
However, some readers may get the wild idea that I don’t like the gym much and send me voluminous emails claiming that such an attitude indicates I am an unhealthy individual.
I must refute these claims.
I think about going to the gym at uni on a regular basis. The trouble is that there’s an atmosphere of exhaustion about these places that make one feel as if epic deeds have been done. Just watching these people work out makes me tired. I break out in sympathy-sweat and need a good lie down.
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