Well now, look at that. A comic inside a week! I’m so proud I could poop.

Reading through Least I Could Do the other day, I spied a post dated the 21st of January, 2009. It was titled “Advice for webcomics”.

The post was partly about the supposed divide between “professional” and “amature” comic arteeests. I won’t delve into that part of the post simply because it’s not something I think about. However, I will relate part of it to you, dear reader, simply because Sohmer has been delivering pure gospel.

Here it is:

“If you want to be treated professionally, act professionally.

Get your strip up when you say you will. Bill Waterson never missed an update because he was drunk, tired or sick. Neither should you. Stick to your update schedule, not only to the day, but to the hour.”

Inspiring stuff. It has made me decide to get my act together. There will be changes! For a start, the website will be receiving an upgrade (soon, very soon) aimed at reducing the time taken to update the strip.

I now have the arts making process down. I know I can crank out a strip a week. It just means working a little more. And from now on, I will. Let’s set a deadline, hmm? Make it Wednesday.

Speaking of people who can crank out strips, I thoroughly suggest you click this hand-crafted link to visit I Love Stupid. The comic is produced by the super-sexy beast known as Jonothan Hironaga. Seriously, hide your daughters, the guy’s an animal.

That’s it. I’m outta words.
